Holder orders federal autopsy on black teen shot by police

Attorney General Eric Holder has ordered a federal post-mortem examination on the body of a black teenager shot dead by police. On Sunday the DOJ said  that Eric Holder asked for the separate autopsy because of the “extraordinary circumstances involved in this case”.

What are the odds that now there will be different autopsy results revealed?  Anything this government gets involved in is “suspect”.

Michael Brown’s family had also requested the move, in addition to the post-mortem examination being conducted by Missouri state medical examiners.

The state’s governor is expected to announce later whether an overnight curfew will continue in the St Louis suburb, after another night of violence a week after the 18-year-old’s shooting by a white officer.

Meanwhile police yet again fired smoke bombs and tear gas at protesters as they defied orders to disperse between midnight and 5am.  A man was shot and critically wounded in the area, but not by police, authorities said, while someone also shot at a police car.

Seven people were arrested for failing to disperse.

Hundreds of peaceful protesters had left before the deadline took effect on Sunday morning.

Among them was Saint Louis-born billionaire Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey, who kept his 2.6 million followers updated with posts and Vines from Ferguson.

Sky News

What the hell is a billionaire wasting his time on criminals?

As five armoured tactical vehicles approached the crowd, officers said through a loudspeaker: “You are in violation of a state-imposed curfew. You must disperse immediately. Failure to comply may result in arrest.”

Officers put on gas masks as some of the crowd shouted back: “We have the right to assemble peacefully.”

Moments later, police began firing smoke canisters into the crowd of protesters.

Speaking from the scene in Ferguson, Sky News US Correspondent Greg Milam said: “There was a hard core of about 150-200 who had said they would defy the curfew and did. “At the time that curfew came into effect there were long lines of police with riot equipment – shields, helmets, masks and batons. “They stepped back, allowing SWAT teams to move in with armoured vehicles.”

Sky News

Scenes of armoured tanks and officers in riot gear firing tear gas on crowds in Ferguson were broadcast around the world last week as tensions in the community boiled over. Missouri Governor Jay Nixon imposed the curfew, along with a state of emergency, on Saturday after looters targeted a shop which police say Michael Brown may have robbed before he was killed.

Scenes of armoured tanks and officers in riot gear firing tear gas on crowds in Ferguson were broadcast around the world last week as tensions in the community boiled over.

Missouri Governor Jay Nixon imposed the curfew, along with a state of emergency, on Saturday after looters targeted a shop which police say Michael Brown may have robbed before he was killed.


  1. Reblogged this on Arlin Report and commented:
    What, the government wants an autopsy that satisfies who? Are we to trust an autopsy by the fed? Everything they are involved with is a mess. This will turn out exactly how Holder wants it. This entire Brown vs. Wilson issue is turning out to be a national circus. An autopsy proves what? How many bullets Brown took and the location on the body.

  2. Paul H. Lemmen

    Reblogged this on A Conservative Christian Man.

  3. Screenshot

    Reblogged this on Screenshots News.

  4. Sally's Special Services

    Reblogged this on Sally's Political Blog and commented:
    What, the government wants an autopsy that satisfies who? Are we to trust an autopsy by the fed? Everything they are involved with is a mess. This will turn out exactly how Holder wants it. This entire Brown vs. Wilson issue is turning out to be a national circus. An autopsy proves what? How many bullets Brown took and the location on the body.
    IT DOES NOT TAKE AN AUTOPSY FOR US TO SEE THE MOTIVE BEHIND THIS RACIALLY MOTIVATED WITCH HUNT! SCREW YOU HOLDER AND OBAMA!! The cop was doing his job! The guy was a known Criminal!! Why is it that the bastards always take up for the “bad” guys? Because they ARE the “bad” guys!!

  5. Figgy

    I take some comfort in knowing that history will perform an autopsy on the performance of odummer and holder and prove conclusively what traitorous, treasonous slimeballs they are and mete out justice.

  6. Janet

    The minute that punk shoved that clerk, proved what thug he was. Just too bad the clerk wasn’t armed, he could have settled it. No questions asked, as he would have been defending himself. As for Holder, he’s just a big corrupt ass, as his boss.

  7. Janet

    Grand jury could start heaving evidence this week in police shooting of Missouri teenager

    A Missouri grand jury could begin hearing evidence Wednesday in the shooting death of a black teenager by a white police officer in suburban St. Louis.

    Fox News

  8. Janet

    Already there’s a contradiction in what the media is saying in these autopsy reports.


  9. Janet

    Here’s a good one for you folks. The Post noted that demonstrators in Ferguson, Missouri, anticipating that drug test results could be used to denigrate Brown, have demanded that Officer Darren Wilson also be required to submit to a drug screening.

  10. Janet

    Just think the asses still believe the race baiters on this….but what do you expect when they are uneducated.


  11. I do not see how the Justice department can do an autopsy. On what grounds? They should be overseeing that all agencies involved are acting according to Federal, State and local law and policy. You have a point to ask what the governments involvement should be. Perhaps that is why government involvement is seen with suspicion. What I want to know is was there any Constitutional right infringement upon the victim and subsequently on the protesters? I am glad the African-American community stepped up and exercised their Constitutional rights on this matter and I hope they continue to do so until they are satisfied that justice has been served to all in the case.

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