Michigan 6-Year-Old Suspended From School for Making Gun With Hand

Written by Janet

Remember how simple and normal life used to be?  We even enjoyed our childhood without the panic button pressed.  A Michigan boy has now been suspended from school,  for curling his hand into the shape of a gun and pointing it at another student.

Erin Jammer told the media her son, Mason, was just playing around when he made the gesture Wednesday.  But officials at Jefferson Elementary School said the behavior made other students uncomfortable, and they suspended Mason for the remainder of the week. 

School officials told the local newspaper that Mason had been warned repeatedly against pretending to aim his hand at students but continued the behavior over several months.  

Jammer told the paper her son isn’t violent and doesn’t have toy guns at home. She suggested a less harsh punishment, like taking Mason’s recess away, might be more effective in teaching him not to make a gun with his hand.

For heaven’s sakes people, this boy is only six. 


  1. Shannon

    He wasn’t really suspended for “the finger” gun. He was suspended because his mother didn’t get her son to listen to the teachers for MONTHS. He had been asked to stop this and most likely lost privileges like recess. Ms. Jammer should have raised her son to listen to teachers and not do things like pretend to shoot his friends. She should have dealt with her son when the problem first started. Good parenting could have stopped this before it go this far.

  2. Mr. Williams

    This is very very stupid!!! They need to apologize to this kid in front of the whole school. I have young kids and they wouldn’t understand it if any thing like this happen to them. There needs to be major protests as well so this stupid crap doesn’t happen again!!!

  3. newsdeskinternational

    The adults in this case need psychiatric help….each little thing a child does in play now, they consider evil….look, we as kids did that, and we weren’t suspended, nor did we turn out mass murderers.

    He is at the age, where they rebel….and don’t want to listen….I see nothing the mother did wrong….no where did it say he harmed anyone. So the other kids were terrorized? Give me a break here….they possibly when no one is looking will do the same thing….and that’s not terroristic in theory…that is simply “child’s play”….and if those idiot adults took time to think, this didn’t even involve any toy guns….so what do we do next? Ban fingers?

  4. Janet

    The insanity is getting worse…

    It’s Ridiculous’: Three 6-Year-Olds Suspended for Making ‘Gun’ Signs With Hands During Recess

    Everyone wants to send their kids to a safe school where they can learn the skills to become a functioning adult. But are we almost starting to create “bubble” children, giving them so many rules at each turn that they will have no idea how to make independent decisions later in life?


  5. Janet

    Whoa, and it gets even better, now 5 year olds are called terrorists if they have a toy gun.

    Pennsylvania girl, 5, suspended for threatening to shoot girl with pink toy gun that blows soapy bubbles

    Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/01/19/pennsylvania-girl-5-suspended-for-threatening-to-shoot-girl-with-pink-toy-gun/#ixzz2IRM5MWDL

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