Tag Archives: senate

NRA’s Keene: Obama’s ‘Public Tantrum’ on Guns Was Beneath the Office

We all saw Obama throw his tantrum when the Senate voted down the new expanded background checks legislation.  NRA President David Keene Thursday derided what he called President Barack Obama’s “public tantrum” during his Rose Garden press conference following the defeat in the Senate of the universal gun background check amendment. Keene said that Obama …

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Stalemate Over FAA Leaves Bill Unsettled

House and Senate leaders are still at odds over  labor provisions in a long-stalled FAA reauthorization bill, increasing the likelihood of another short-term legislative extension early next year to keep the agency functioning.  Disputes over changes in union-organizing rules affecting airlines — combined with a holiday-shortened congressional calendar and distractions over the high-profile bill to extend …

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Secret Service Seeks Funding for candidate Protection

Mark Sullivan, the Secret Service Director, is seeking millions of dollars extra, in funding, to protect the 2012 presidential candidates.  All this, even though their budget is stuck in congress.  The House has voted to give the Secret Service $113 million for fiscal 2012 to cover protective activities relating to the presidential campaign.  And the …

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GOP uses budget to nibble at financial law

The Republicans are greeting the one-year anniversary of President Barack Obama’s financial overhaul law by trying to weaken it, nibble by nibble.  So the GOP, being wary of completely dismantling it, are attacking bit by bit, at the corners of the law.  They can’t completely stop it as they don’t control the Senate or White …

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House votes to kill preventive health fund

House Republicans in their attack on defunding the healthcare law, voted Wednesday to eliminate a section in the law providing $15 billion over the next decade on such preventive health care issues as fighting obesity, reducing smoking and promoting better nutrition.  The Prevention and Public Health Fund, by Republicans was called a slush fund, for …

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Gingrich says state bankruptcy bill imminent

Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrinch says that new legislation that would allow states to file bankruptcy is imminent, and most likely will be introduced by Congress within the next month.  Although Gingrich who once was considered responsible for the “Republican Revolution” of the 1990’s, is no longer in office, he still has deep ties …

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DREAM Act dies in the Senate

Even though phones were ringing off the hook, there were many sit-ins, hunger strikes, and many rallies, the DREAM Act failed to pass today in the Senate.  This decades old program once again failed to break the filibuster in the Senate.  That killed the bill until possibly the next election in 2012.  The Senate Democrats …

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Working class whites leaning toward GOP

In a new poll, working class whites are favoring Republicans in vast numbers since the GOp took control of Congress in 1994.  This reflects two factors – unhappiness with the Democrats’ stewardship of an ailing economy that has hit this group particularly hard, and a persistent discomfort with President Barack Obama.  “They’re pushing the country …

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Angry with Governor Paterson? Get in line with Kennedys, Cuomos, Bloomberg

Written by Janet Everyone is upset over who Governor Paterson chose as the replacement to fill Hilary Clinton’s senate seat.  The Kennedy family scolded Gov. Paterson Saturday night, criticizing his slipshod treatment of Caroline Kennedy and the airing of rumors about the Camelot daughter’s personal life. “Maybe [Paterson] was caught off guard by her decision, …

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Who is Kirsten Gillibrand ?

Written by Janet Three years ago she was an unknown corporate lawyer.  On Friday, she became a New York senator. Gillibrand was appointed to the U.S. Senate by Gov. David Paterson, a pick that elevates the two-term Democrat to the national political stage. She succeeds Hillary Clinton, who resigned after her appointment this week as …

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