Tag Archives: raise debt ceiling

Bernanke: Raise debt ceiling, no strings

These are the types we have running our country, and their belief is raise the limit and keep spending.  Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is saying that Congress must raise the debt ceiling and not use a potential U.S. debt default as leverage to get spending cuts.

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House GOP Eyes Default and Government Shutdown

House Republicans are seriously considering their options which includes a government shutdown, and default to force Obama to agree to cut spending by the end of March. The idea of allowing the country to default by refusing to increase the debt limit is getting more widespread and serious traction among House Republicans than people realize, though …

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Republicans tee up round 2 of debt-ceiling fight

As the Obamanut continues to try and break the Constitution with his demands congress give up some of their power to him, Republicans are digging in for a long fight, over the deficit, and not raising the debt ceiling.  But a few Republican turncoats are now saying taxes should rise on the rich.  Wake up …

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Senate Republican leader blocks debt limit vote

Mark one on the wall for Republicans, in curbing Obama’s powers.  Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell on Thursday prevented a simple majority vote on a proposal to give Democratic President Barack Obama unilateral power to raise the debt limit.

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Democrats say Obama should invoke 14th Amendment

On Wednesday House Democrats said that President Barack Obama should invoke a little-known constitutional provision to prevent the nation from going into default if Congress fails to come up with a plan to raise the debt ceiling.  Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina, a member of the Democratic leadership, said he told fellow Democrats that …

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Angry Tea Party Stirring up GOP Revolt

The tea party movement is prepared to revolt against any GOP deal to raise the debt ceiling – even if it is “revenue neutral” and cuts trillions from federal spending, grass-roots sources tell Newsmax.  Tea party leaders have  coalesced around the “cut, cap, and balance” approach to raising the debt ceiling: Trillions in real spending …

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