Tag Archives: Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne

FLDS – Mother of 6 escapes 12 year nightmare

Police are saying a mother of 6 was held captive in an Arizona town by Warren Jeffs’ polygamous sect and the local police force it controlled has escaped with her children.  Ruby Jessup who is 26, whose detention in Colorado City led to a criminal probe of the church founded by the now-imprisoned Jeffs, was …

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Arizona Files Lawsuit Challenging Voting Rights Act

Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne has filed a lawsuit Thursday challenging the Voting Rights Act’s requirement that the state get federal permission to make changes in its election laws and systems.  The AG who is a Republican says the Voting Rights Act requirements being challenged by the state’s lawsuit are archaic and subjectively enforced, putting …

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Unions take fight to the states

In 2008, unions played a key part in Obama’s winning campaign,  but some say they’ll change their strategy for the 2012 elections.  “We’ve decided to freeze all contributions to federal candidates, federal committees and federal candidate PACs in order to really refocus on battles we are experiencing in a number of states,” Harold Schaitberger, president …

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