North Carolina tackles eugenics issue

North Carolina is trying to find a way to compensate all those ,600 people who were sterilized against their will as part of the state’s eugenics program.  That program ran from 1933 to 1977 as an experiment in genetic engineering.  Many of those who were sterilized were uneducated young women, poor teenagers from large families, people with epilepsy and those deemed too “feeble-minded” to raise children. Non-white minorities made up about 40 percent of those sterilized and girls and women about 85%.

Nationwide, about 60,000 people were sterilized under a eugenics program.  Even thought the state issued an apology in 2002, North Carolina Gov. Bev Perdue set up a task force to figure out how to compensate victims of the program.

“The state owes something to the victims,” said Perdue, who campaigned on the issue.  “How can you quantify how much a baby is worth to people?” asked Charmaine Fuller Cooper, executive director of the North Carolina Justice for Sterilization Victims Foundation, which is financed by the state. “It’s not about quantifying the unborn child, it’s about the choices that were taken away.”  Upi

It has been suggested that the compensation should be $20,000 each, but most say that isn’t enough. 

“What would an apology do for me?” said Nial Ramirez, 65, who was sterilized at 18 in 1964. “You don’t know what my kids were going to be. You don’t know what kids God was going to give me. Twenty thousand dollars ain’t gonna do it, honey.”

The five-person task force, which has been meeting since May, is set to have a final report in February.  Upi



  1. Janet

    NC panel: Sterilization victims should get $50K

    People sterilized against their will under a discredited North Carolina state program should each be paid $50,000, a task force voted Tuesday, marking the first time a state has moved to compensate victims of a once-common public health practice called eugenics.


  2. Janet


    North Carolina offers $10 million for victims of forced-sterilization program

    Read more:

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